Upcoming Events

OakLeaf Farm Fridays
We will be starting our Farm Fridays beginning this Friday March 9th. OakLeaf has been hard at work this winter building a barn, plowing the fields, and expanding their chicken family to include 92 BABY chicks. We plan on having lots of fun while learning about growing food in our very own farm plot. Farmer Bremen has been very kind to donate his time last year. This year we will be charging $3 a Friday to cover the gas expenses and the Farmer's time. (This Friday is included in your extended day tuition) Please let us know if your SoulShiner would like to attend.

Crafts of Change
Crafts of Change will have a booth at the East Atlanta Farmers Market every Thursday Starting mid-April and ending in December. We are looking for volunteers to help at the booth from 4 PM - 8 PM or in two hour sessions. If you are crafty, feel free to bring your crafts to sell. Please email soulshineafterschool@gmail.com if you are interested.

Summer Camp
Summer camp is planned and on our website (www.makeyoursoulshine.com). Please check out all the awesomeness we have in store!  You can sign up & submit payment by filling out the Registration Form under the "Summer Camp" tab on the website. 

OakLeaf also has a CSA program
By purchasing a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) share you will receive fresh produce, available for pick up weekly at our farm. This year (2012) we are happy to offer spots for 50 shareholders. As a shareholder you will experience both the risks and rewards of farming.

A CSA consists of a community of individuals who pledge support to a farm operation so that the farmland becomes, either legally or spiritually, the community’s farm, with the growers and consumers providing mutual support and sharing the risks and benefits of food production. Typically, members or “share-holders” of the farm or garden pledge in advance to cover the anticipated costs of the farm operation and farmer’s salary. In return, they receive shares in the farm’s bounty throughout the growing season, as well as satisfaction gained from reconnecting to the land and participating directly in food production. Members also share in the risks of farming, including poor harvests due to unfavorable weather or pests. By direct sales to community members, who have provided the farmer with working capital in advance, growers receive better prices for their crops, gain some financial security, and are relieved of much of the burden of marketing.


PICK UP CSA at SoulShine on Wednesdays